Our Manifesto

Rhum turned 4 this year and where did the years go?! They literally flew by, but looking back, it was filled with a lot of learnings, new connections, challenges (hello COVID!)  and opportunities. We’ve spent this time finding our individualities, values, our team identity, working on our mental and physical capacities, and understanding the wants and needs of not only our clients and community, but ourselves as individuals, and as rhum. Working in the amazing world of creativity and innovation, we felt a need to define ourselves and truly create a common language among us internally, but also with our clients, collaborators and community. 

It is with the amazing help of our creative partners Republik that we decided to sit down, take a step back, and truly write down who we are as an organization, who our community is and why we wake up every day to do what we do, and this is the result. This is not an advertising campaign, but more of a manifesto that guides us through the way we work and interact with our community. In addition, we were lucky enough to have a truly unique voice,Lilly Wexu, who managed to bring our manifesto to life with a unique tone. 

With our new video, it doesn’t end there. We don’t plan to call it a day at that. This is a stepping stone for us to transition gradually, to open new doors, and to confidently demonstrate how we have built ourselves to align the very same values we present every single day. We want to make sure you understand that our pride and quality for who we are and how we present ourselves are more than just buzzwords. We uniquely live and breathe our commitments in honouring what we stand by.

Connecting and developing talents is our job. 

Creativity and innovation is our playground. 

We are more than just players

We write the rules.


We focus on the power of many. 

Balancing relationships. 

Celebrating differences. 

And multiplying opportunities. 


We go beyond the resume.
We hold space for emotions and realness. 

Decoding humans in all of their complexity. 

With admiration for what they imagine, create and produce.


We don't play games. 

We create matches

And we win as a team. 


We are rhum. 

We create connections for humans and organizations to grow together.

Pierre-Luc Labbee