Anti-me, really?


Written by Tristan Chevalier

In a world where collaboration is a word we hear more and more often, it is crucial to hold ourselves accountable and nurture the beauty of working with others. In recruitment, collaborating is the key pivot in making things effective, and I’m sure we can all agree that sometimes it ain’t easy. I couldn’t help but wonder… What are the factors that may lead a collaboration on the path to failure?

At the top of everyone’s list; here’s what we usually find: 

  • Nonalignment on the needs

  • Lack of transparency

  • No follow-ups 

  • Poor feedback 

  • Delulu expectations 

  • No proactivity 

  • No time to give to the recruitment process

And the list can go on and on! 

As humans, we tend to question what isn’t working first before questioning what is working instead. This is called an anti-brainstorm, and unlike a normal brainstorm; it focuses on flaws and problems instead of solutions. It’s a unique technique we use frequently at rhum. (reach out if you want to learn more about it)

So, how can we manage that? What’s the secret recipe? 

The answer is there is no secret recipe, but there is something that you can manage to help make collaborations effective. 

And that is: YOURSELF!

Yes, you are the number one vector of your success. That means, when you’re collaborating with a client, you should keep in mind that communication is key, be organized from the very beginning, and be transparent throughout the whole process. 

What if things are not going well?

From there, if the collaboration is still not working, you’ve done what needed to be done. As recruiters, the end-goal is to close our roles. But sometimes, we don’t close them, and it’s not even because of the market that we’re recruiting in. So, instead of focusing on the outcome, focus on the process and the energy that you put into it. Concentrate on the steps of the recruitment process and ask yourself, “Am I proud of myself? Have I given everything I could on my end of the collaboration?” If it’s a full body YES, then, you have made things a success!  

I think it’s important to be mindful of the reality that we are in, and our reality if full of uncertainty. Nothing can be controlled, especially while collaborating, so the only thing that you have a bit of control over is the energy that you put into the collaboration, but don’t burn yourself out, match the energy; it’s all about reciprocity. 

On a final note, remember that we’re humans collaborating with other humans, everyone is different and the star of their own show. 

And on a very final note, collaboration is key, yes, but you are the key to how you see a collaboration. 

If you want professional advice to improve your human resources processes or want a dedicated team of experts to fulfill your talent acquisition needs, rhum can help you!
Let’s have a chat!

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